Communicating with the community since 1957
BATTERIES for your rig, shack, solar systems...
Presenter: Michael Wyman W1DRY
Prepare to get even smarter!
Learn about the new LiFePO4 and other lithium batteries. Most lithium-ion batteries (Li-ion) used in consumer electronics products use lithium cobalt oxide cathodes (LiCoO2). Other varieties of lithium-ion batteries include lithium manganese oxide (LiMn2O4) and lithium nickel oxide (LiNiO2). The batteries are named after the material used for their cathodes; the anodes are generally made of carbon and a variety of electrolytes are used.
Several radios and antennas will be set up and we are excited to teach the public what Ham Radio is all about.
Click on the "UPCOMING EVENTS" tab for more information.
90st/Shea - 147.180 +162.2 linked to 440.000 +100
and linked to South Mtn 448.100 +100.0
Allstar node 580991, Echolink W7UF-R Node: 977896
Thanks for stopping by our club website.
SARC welcomes everyone from Scottsdale, Arizona and
all nearby communities, including out of state
visitors to engage in Amateur Radio and join
us in our club activities.
The Scottsdale Amateur Radio Club, SARC, holds the callsign W7UF. Our members are mainly located around the city of Scottsdale and neighboring towns and cities but also have members around the USA. Some of our members are Snowbirds. We meet once a month and have various activities throughout the year.
SARC members are active in both on the air and in person activities, including weekly nets, monthly meetings, Field Day and radio active events like radios in the park.