The SARC UHF and VHF repeaters are currently located on the Honor Health Hospital at 90th & Shea, in Scottsdale. The repeaters are open to all licensed amateur radio operators in accordance with proper operating procedures.
3 linked repeaters:
90st/Shea - 147.180 +162.2
90st/Shea - 440.000 +100
South Mtn - 443.575 +100.0 (Yaesu System Fusion)
Priority is given to emergency traffic at all times.
Echolink - Station W7UF-R Node: 977896
Allstar - node 580991
Scottsdale ARC has its FRIENDLY club net every Tuesday evening at 7:00PM MST (Arizona). Topics themes vary and other Ham questions are welcome.
Join us at any of the 3 PRIMARY repeaters, Echolink or AllStar listed above.
OPEN TO ALL! Come join us for a lively discussion each Tuesday.